
Annotated Bibliography

  Jones, C. (2022, July 27).  How advancing technologies shape consumer behavior . The Earth Awards. This site is a good source of information for talking about consumer behaviors and their relationship to technology. It has a decent framework making it easy to find the information I'm looking for. It also has several sections on convenience, shopping, social media, and mobile commerce. These subjects will be interesting to look at and will also help me to think about other things to research further.  BAIC. (2022).  Impacts of technology on culture, tradition, and social values . Welcome – Baic.ORG. Although this is a short article, it surprisingly has a good bit of information about technology and its effect on culture, tradition, and social values. The article is written by the editor of BAIC which is a "premier source of culture-

Technology and Consumerism

  Technology has evolved to the point that many people use technology and the internet for everyday shopping as well as larger purchases. This is mainly due to advancements in technology surrounding online shopping. Companies like Amazon, Wal-Mart, and Target make shopping online extremely easy and convenient. By offering shipping directly to your house or curbside, or in-store pickup. This kind of convenience can do a lot of good for people who can't make it out to stores to shop but can also mean less human interaction as everything has the potential to be automated and simply appear on your doorstep.  Consumers also have access to more information than ever before and can make informed decisions about products that they buy. " Comparison shopping allows consumers to find the best deals and the lowest prices. Businesses need to be aware of this and ensure their prices are competitive. They must also focus on providing quality products and excellent customer service to stand
  Technology and culture have merged in recent decades and have become the main means by which people interact socially. Social media is part of that technology and is used by a large percentage of the population to interact with each other socially. This kind of social interaction is different from how people used to connect with each other. Before the rise of technology, people would often speak with each other in person, on the phone, or in written letters. Today, technology users have instant access to each other and can follow virtually every major life event that their friends and family have happening in their lives. You might think that this means an invasion of privacy and the end of real social interaction, and you would be partly correct.  "Technology is a big part of our lives and it has impacted culture, tradition, and social values while at the same time being a great help to the human race. It has made our lives easier and better by providing us with a large number

Technology, Media, and The Speed of Light

  Technology, in general, makes life easier and allows for better accessibility of information. This means that no matter where you are in the world if you have access to technology, you have access to a wealth of information at the speed of light. This kind of access is addicting and many people find themselves googling any small piece of information that they don't know, this is made even easier by the use of smartphones. Each of us has a small computer in our pocket and has access to virtually any kind of information at any time.  " Rapid advances in information and communication technologies during the latter half of the 20th and early 21st centuries are creating an Information Age revolution. These technologies have made possible the storage, organization, and manipulation of vast quantities of data, far beyond what was possible for a physical library, and have greatly facilitated access to the information by anyone, anywhere. Together these technologies are modifying the

Socially Anti-Social

  Social Media and Communications  Social media has been around for a few decades now and has gone through many changes since its inception. Today, it connects more people than ever before and connects businesses with consumers as well. However, to utilize social media to its fullest extent communicators must be willing to dive into what social media platforms have to offer. This means not only posting simple posts about products and services but also communicating with a target audience and creating connections that did not exist beforehand. Although this seems like a tall task, creating a community online is what social media was built for.  Professional communicators should be engaging daily with their target audience, creating connections, and ensuring a living, breathing online brand. Answering questions and providing details about what you have to offer will help bring in a larger audience and build a network of colleagues as well as consumers.  

Chatgpt Global Takeover?

AI and How It Effects Communication  Artificial intelligence has taken center stage in recent years due to its all encompassing nature. AI has the potential and the means to touch and effect virtually any field. It has even started to effect the world of communications. In recent years we have seen leaps and bounds in virtual assistants made by tech companies such as Apple and Google. These assistants are not only able to do simple tasks such as answer texts and change settings but even make phone calls and set up hair appointments. Technology is an ever-progressing and ever-changing world and AI is no different.  The largest benefit of AI is its use of computers. Humans can only process so much information on brain power alone but AI is able to process large amounts of data in the way that a super computer solves many complex math problems simultaneously.  " For example, social media monitoring tools can use AI to analyze trends and sentiment across social media platforms, helpin

Technology, COVID-19, and The Workplace

How Technology and COVID-19 Changed The Workplace Technology has changed how people work, especially those who work remotely. Even before COVID-19 turned the world upside down and the lockdowns began, employers allowed their workers to work from home. However, since 2019 there has been a large uptick in remote workers, about 17.9% which reflects around 19 million workers. These numbers are staggering considering prior to that the percentage was only 5.7%. The reason so many people are able to work from home effectively is technology.  Most remote work that could be done in an office simply requires a computer and a reliable internet connection. This means that remote workers can not only work from home but from anywhere that has those two things. " Perhaps the biggest advantage of technology in the modern workplace is the ability to collaborate in real-time with colleagues and contributors from all over the world. Depending on time differences, this type of collaboration might not