Technology and Consumerism


Technology has evolved to the point that many people use technology and the internet for everyday shopping as well as larger purchases. This is mainly due to advancements in technology surrounding online shopping. Companies like Amazon, Wal-Mart, and Target make shopping online extremely easy and convenient. By offering shipping directly to your house or curbside, or in-store pickup. This kind of convenience can do a lot of good for people who can't make it out to stores to shop but can also mean less human interaction as everything has the potential to be automated and simply appear on your doorstep. 

Consumers also have access to more information than ever before and can make informed decisions about products that they buy. "Comparison shopping allows consumers to find the best deals and the lowest prices. Businesses need to be aware of this and ensure their prices are competitive. They must also focus on providing quality products and excellent customer service to stand out from the competition"(Jones, 2022). 


Jones, C. (2022, July 27). How advancing technologies shape consumer behavior. The Earth Awards.


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