Technology and culture have merged in recent decades and have become the main means by which people interact socially. Social media is part of that technology and is used by a large percentage of the population to interact with each other socially. This kind of social interaction is different from how people used to connect with each other. Before the rise of technology, people would often speak with each other in person, on the phone, or in written letters. Today, technology users have instant access to each other and can follow virtually every major life event that their friends and family have happening in their lives. You might think that this means an invasion of privacy and the end of real social interaction, and you would be partly correct. 

"Technology is a big part of our lives and it has impacted culture, tradition, and social values while at the same time being a great help to the human race. It has made our lives easier and better by providing us with a large number of conveniences that we can use every day. However, there are some negative effects as well: for example, it is very hard for people to concentrate on things other than technology because they are so attached to their devices and gadgets"(BAIC, 2022). Users of technology and the internet have greater access to information and each other by virtue of social media and other connective software. While this can be a good thing, it also has its downfalls. The main thing for users to be aware of is to make sure technology and social media do not overtake real human connection. 


BAIC. (2022). Impacts of technology on culture, tradition, and social values. Welcome – Baic.ORG.


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