Technology, COVID-19, and The Workplace

How Technology and COVID-19 Changed The Workplace

Technology has changed how people work, especially those who work remotely. Even before COVID-19 turned the world upside down and the lockdowns began, employers allowed their workers to work from home. However, since 2019 there has been a large uptick in remote workers, about 17.9% which reflects around 19 million workers. These numbers are staggering considering prior to that the percentage was only 5.7%. The reason so many people are able to work from home effectively is technology. 

Most remote work that could be done in an office simply requires a computer and a reliable internet connection. This means that remote workers can not only work from home but from anywhere that has those two things. "Perhaps the biggest advantage of technology in the modern workplace is the ability to collaborate in real-time with colleagues and contributors from all over the world. Depending on time differences, this type of collaboration might not always occur during normal business hours. Being able to enjoy enterprise-level communication and collaboration tools in your home, creates more opportunities to connect with collaborators who may be spread across several time zones"(Blitchok, 2023). 

Some companies have been resistant to the change that remote work has brought but workers are excited about the improvements it could make to their work-life balance. One thing is certain, remote work is here to stay and workers are going to keep it that way. 


Blitchok, A. (2023, February 20). How technology is changing the way people work from home - 


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