Technology, Media, and The Speed of Light


Technology, in general, makes life easier and allows for better accessibility of information. This means that no matter where you are in the world if you have access to technology, you have access to a wealth of information at the speed of light. This kind of access is addicting and many people find themselves googling any small piece of information that they don't know, this is made even easier by the use of smartphones. Each of us has a small computer in our pocket and has access to virtually any kind of information at any time. 

"Rapid advances in information and communication technologies during the latter half of the 20th and early 21st centuries are creating an Information Age revolution. These technologies have made possible the storage, organization, and manipulation of vast quantities of data, far beyond what was possible for a physical library, and have greatly facilitated access to the information by anyone, anywhere. Together these technologies are modifying the world of information and knowledge itself, with implications for individuals, organizations, and entire societies"(NAGB, 2014). 

While access to virtually unlimited information is good, it also gives us consumers an expectation of access to mass information and for it to arrive in haste. Although it generally does arrive quickly, when it doesn't consumers become frustrated and curse the system that helps them in the first place. At the end of the day, technology has made extensive improvements in the world of information and makes our lives easier, even if it makes us want to throw it out of the window at some points. 


NAGB. (2014). Framework archive. C. Effects Of Technology On The World Of Information And Knowledge.,T.,inform%20the%20decision%2Dmaking%20process.


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