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AI and How It Effects Communication 

Artificial intelligence has taken center stage in recent years due to its all encompassing nature. AI has the potential and the means to touch and effect virtually any field. It has even started to effect the world of communications. In recent years we have seen leaps and bounds in virtual assistants made by tech companies such as Apple and Google. These assistants are not only able to do simple tasks such as answer texts and change settings but even make phone calls and set up hair appointments. Technology is an ever-progressing and ever-changing world and AI is no different. 

The largest benefit of AI is its use of computers. Humans can only process so much information on brain power alone but AI is able to process large amounts of data in the way that a super computer solves many complex math problems simultaneously. "For example, social media monitoring tools can use AI to analyze trends and sentiment across social media platforms, helping businesses to better understand their audience and improve their marketing strategies"(Funk, 2023). 

Communication just like any other field can benefit from the use of artificial intelligence. The only question is how involved do we as a society want to get with AI and how much responsibility and control do we give do we give it? These questions will be answered as technology advances.


Funk, S. H. (2023, February 1). The Future of Communication: How Ai is transforming the way we connect. LinkedIn.


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